Sunday, October 5, 2008

Making The Most of IT !

Yesterday, Saturday the 4th of of October was closing day at Mt Buller. It was also the day we has to go clean out our Cabin at Buller. After a couple of hours of packing the cars with all our junk and a light clean as it was decided we would pay someone to do it :) Mike Ralph and Lars drove back to melbourne and after some deliberation I, SC decided to go ride the last day of list operation up Buller. Bourke street was the only run open which is pretty much a beginner run but there was a bunch of little jumps, bonks etc to entertain everyone. Mind you I pretty much knew everyone that was snowboarding that day and it turned out to be so much fun. Some crew went and set up a little rail and i filmed them for the POP site, Matty, Mitch Tim W, Chunk and Crew where on fire that was for sure. We then went and checked out what was left of the PIPE.

Heres Benny Willick, who has been riding Buller as long as anyone I pretty much know (other than LARS) dropping in for one last run.

IT may not look like much but To me thats what makes snowboarding so fun. Being outside with your friends trying new stuff with not a care in the world other than having fun. Ben Willick now is in charge of big construction projects but still has the same stoke he had when i first met him when he must have been 15 years old Which rules.
And thats whats so amazing without snowboarding I wouldn't have half the friends I do, see the places I have and have the amazing wife that I do !
Thanks snowboarding :)

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