Monday, October 4, 2010

Delayed Sydney Trip Update !!

A little over a week ago, Tara and I ventured up to Sydney as I had a meeting to go to and their was a movie premier ! But more importantly long time champion Chris KBoadle Turned 30 and we had to celebrate with him
Anyway here's a couple of shots from the weekend

There was a standard movie premier on organised by no other than Paul Colby on the right !

Who would have thought Tara would win a prize through some ticket draw here she is with Jimmy from DC

Pretty much everyone I know in Sydney was there, from the left Nick G, Selway and Trines

All round good dude Alex Hawkins was up there since DC payed for the premier, that's Nick texting someone that Gaslight where playing a side show here in march, never seen someone so stoked to hear about a show, glad we got tickets already.

Selway loves anything free, he doesn't mind a party either

Kate (who looked after us in Sydney) and Lisa Sulways Future wife

Lauren knows how to organize a good party that's for sure, here she is with her birthday boy

Growing up we would always call Chris's brother Marcus Blinky as he always blinked quite a bit. Little did we know we might have to start calling Tara blinky even Chris is blinking, man I don't think we can ever call Marcus blinky again after this shot

You know what Sydney ain't so bad, but it is a long way from the snow so i don't think we will ever be spending more than a week or so up there, Sorry Team :):)

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