Sunday, January 1, 2012

Snowboarding still rules

Just a quick collection of some iPhone shots over the last couple of weeks involving snow boarding

Good crew at Brighton

Great light

Tj ripping

Xmas day at Brighton

Black is popular in snowboarding right now especially with these awesome people

Tara got to come shred,she loved it then she and Ted got sick which sucked

While in Austria we got some pow, the mountains are quite big there too

Adam and kat are snowboarding buddies now after Ralph hurt his arm

Always good light on this lift ride at Brighton

Ralph broke his wing but was still a great sport and came up the hill once or twice

Roundman made a Utah comeback and although we didn't get to much fresh he loved It

T and kat

Totally random shots but just a little reminder of how lucky i am to be able to go to mountains
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Utah and Austria

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