Tuesday, August 9, 2011


So after the longest day ever Ted Elliot Carter arrived just in time to make the 8 8 2011.
He was 8 pound ten and 51 cm long.
I had no idea it would be this epic, he is the best.
Anyway here is some iPhone fotos till I can get fotos off my camera,

Can't wait for everyone to meet him

Posted using BlogPress from
my iPhone

Location:We are still in the hospital


Jenna said...

Congratulations Tara and Shane! He is the cutest!! I can't wait until I get to hold and snuggle him!! :)

JodeLLs said...

He is so yummy and snuggly.....he has the cutest little face :) He is beautiful guys

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I am so excited that you are parents, yaaaayyy!!!!! What an adorabl lil stink butt. He's beautiful and I can't wait to meet him! I'm in tears, lol. I'm so happy for both of you. He's gonna be the most styley lil dude around. Wish I was there... Shanni xoxoxoxoxox